Hall of PhD Thesis.
Title / Author / Orientator |
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Physiotherapy |
A função abdominal para a sincronização do controlo postural e da ventilação em indivíduos em risco de desenvolvimento da DPOC |
2017 |
Author:António Mesquita Montes Supervisor: Prof. João Paulo Vilas-Boas |
Pulmonary rehabilitation in mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and its impact on computerized respiratory sounds |
2017 |
Author:Cristina Jácome
Supervisor: Prof Dra. Alda Sofia Pires de Dias Marques
Co-supervisor: Prof Dr. José Alberto Ramos Duarte |
The role of physiotherapy in the global burden of Temporomandibular Disorders |
2017 |
Author:Maria Amélia Alves do Paço
Orientador: Prof Dra Teresa Maria Costa Pinho
Co-orientador: Prof Dr José Alberto Ramos Duarte |
Programas de exercício físico em indivíduos com Espondilite Anquilosante: Determinantes de Qualidade de vida |
2017 |
Author:Sofia Lopes
Orientador: Prof Dra Cristina Teresa Torrão Carvalho Mesquita
Co-orientador: Prof Dr José Alberto Ramos Duarte |
Physical Activity and Health |
Chronic exercise mitigates Doxorubicin-induced cardiac and brain mitochondrial liabilities |
2014 |
Author:Inês Marques Aleixo Supervisor: Profª. António Ascensão, Prof. José Magalhães |
The effect of a workplace physical activity intervention program on musculoskeletal pain and related symptoms in different body regions in Portuguese workers |
2013 |
Author:Isabel Cristina Moreira da Silva Supervisor: Prof. Jorge Mota, Profª. Rute Marina Roberto dos Santos |
Cardiovascular risk factors: associations with physical activity, health-related physical fitness, and diet in Azorean adolescents |
2012 |
Author:Carla Marisa Maia Moreira Supervisor: Prof. Jorge Mota, Profª. Rute Marina Roberto dos Santos |
Evaluation of physical activity programmes for elderly people using the European Foundation for quality management excellence model’s criteria and development of a quality self-assessment tool |
2012 |
Author:Ana Isabel Valente Marques Supervisor: Profª. Joana Carvalho, Prof. Pedro Mortágua Velho da Maia Soares |
Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Children and Adolescents |
2012 |
Author:Gustavo Marçal Gonçalves da Silva Supervisor: Profª. José Oliveira, Prof. José Carlos Ribeiro |
Padrões de atividade física ao longo da gravidez sua influência na lombalgia e nos outcomes do recém-nascido |
2012 |
Author:Paula Clara Ribeiro Santos Supervisor: Profª. Jorge Mota |
Associations of diet and physical activity with body mass index, body fat and waist circumference in Azorean adolescents |
2012 |
Author:Sandra Marlene Ribeiro de Abreu Supervisor: Profª. Pedro Moreira, Prof. Jorge Mota |
Sedentary behavior enchances the loss os bone tossue quality by age and hypoestrogenemia |
2011 |
Author:Hélder Rui Martins Fonseca Supervisor: Prof. José Alberto Duarte, Profª. Maria Paula Gonçalves da Mota |
Estudo da relação entre os níveis de aptidão física e fatores de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares nos jovens em idade escolar do distrito de Castelo Branco |
2011 |
Author:Filipe Soares Ferreira Supervisor: Prof. José Alberto Duarte, Profª. Jorge Mota |
Mechanisms underlying cardioprotection induced by exercise training in animal models of acute and chronic cardiac pressure overload |
2011 |
Author:Daniel Moreira Gonçalves Supervisor: Profª. José Alberto Duarte, Prof. Adelino Moreira |
Exercise training, Bone and Aging |
2011 |
Author:Elisa Amélia Alves Fernandes Marques Supervisor: Profª. Joana Carvalho, Prof. Jorge Mota |
Associations of cardiovascular risk factors and physical activity with autonomic function |
2011 |
Author:Luísa Maria da Cruz Soares Miranda Supervisor: Prof. Doutor Jorge Augusto da Silva Mota |
Functional fitness, cardiovascular risk factors, and health-related quality of life in older adults: interrelations and effects of different exercise types |
2011 |
Author:Flávia Accioly Canuto Wanderley Supervisor: Profª. Doutora Joana Carvalho, Prof.
Doutor José Oliveira |
Pathways involved in skeletal muscle glucose uptake induced by contraction and insulin: The role of atypical protein kinase C |
2009 |
Author:Júlia Matzenbacher dos Santos Supervisor: Prof. Doutor José Alberto Ramos Duarte |
Effects of hyperglycaemia and endurance training on rat skeletal and cardiac muscle mitochondrial function and apoptotic signaling |
2010 |
Author:José António Rodrigues Lumini de Oliveira Supervisor: Prof. Doutor António A. M. R. de Ascensão, Prof. Doutor José F. M. P. Pereira |
Physical Activity and Lifestyle: Association with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Pediatric Ages |
2010 |
Author:Susana Maria Coelho Guimarães Vale Supervisor: Professor Doutor Jorge Augusto Pinto Silva Mota |
Cardiorespiratory fitness and the development of cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents |
2010 |
Author:Clarice Maria de Lucena Martins Supervisor: Professor Doutor Jorge Augusto Pinto Silva Mota, Prof. Doutor José C. Ribeiro |
Actividade física e factores de risco das doenças cardiovasculares. Um estudo com ênfase nos níveis de tensão arterial infanto-juvenil |
2010 |
Author:Anelise Reis Gaya Supervisor: Professor Doutor Jorge Mota, Prof. Doutor José C. Ribeiro |
Effects of exercise training on cardiovascular risk factors and biomarkers of endothelial function / inflammation in coronary artery disease patients |
2009 |
Author:Fernando Manuel Tavares da Silva Ribeiro Supervisor: Prof. Doutor José Manuel Fernandes Oliveira, Prof. Doutor José Alberto Ramos Duarte |
Actividade Física Habitual em Crianças e Adolescentes - Estudo por acelerometria dos contextos de realização da prática |
2009 |
Author:Pedro Miguel Ribeiro Silva Supervisor: Professor Doutor Jorge Augusto Pinto Silva Mota |
Behavioural and Biological Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases in the Azorean Population |
2009 |
Author:Rute Marina Roberto Santos Supervisor: Professor Doutor Jorge Augusto Pinto Silva Mota |
Levels of Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Overweight/Obesity in Children and Adolescents |
2009 |
Author:Luísa Maria Seara Moreira Carneiro Aires Supervisor: Professor Doutor Jorge Augusto Pinto Silva Mota |