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Novidades CIAFEL

[Geral] Novo projeto aprovado no âmbito do concurso da FCT
Novo projeto aprovado no âmbito do concurso da FCT: AAC 02/SAICT/2017

IP: Joana Carvalho
Acrónimo: BB - Body and Brain
Título: "Body and Brain": Efeitos de uma intervenção de exercício multicomponente na função física e cognitiva em idosos com Alzheimer

"Body and Brain": effects of a multicomponent exercise intervention on physical e cognitive function of older adults with Alzheimer Disease


With the increasing average of life span, age-related cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) are a major health concern in nowadays society. However, strategies for long-term management of AD symptoms/manifestations need to be optimized. Physical exercise is a widely recommended intervention for most disease conditions, known to promote not only physical but also mental health. In the context of AD, the outcomes of exercise interventions are poorly understood. Therefore, the relevance of this research topic relies on the need to integrate the current knowledge about the protective effect of exercise, as a potential therapy intervention to AD management. We hope to add information in order to alert institutions, experts and caregivers about the feasibility and benefits of exercise, involving different physical and cognitive components, as co-adjuvant non-pharmacological tool for AD older adults.

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