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Master in Physical Activity and Health


Physical Activity links to Health and Leisure Sciences are a rapidly expanding field. New findings linked to health, physical activity are constantly being published as knowledge becomes updated.

The course aims to develop and refine students detailed knowledge and understanding of physical activity, leisure and health.


It is required 180 ECTS.




PhD Prof. José Carlos Ribeiro (Director)

PhD Prof. José Carlos Ribeiro

PhD Prof. Maria Paula Santos


Contents and Credit Units


The program is arranged into two semesters per year, with 30 hours per month. The remainder is used for formal assessment periods and dissertation write-up. The programmes comprise a mix of research modules and subject-specific modules plus a 60-credit dissertation.

Content Hours ECTS
1st Year
Exercise Physiology [Program] 45h 10
Coordination: PhD José Alberto Duarte
Nutrition [Program] 15h 4
Coordination: PhD José Augusto Santos
Sport Psychology [Program] 30h 7
Coordination: PhD António Manuel Fonseca
Sport Pedagogy 30h 7
Coordination: PhD Jorge Bento
Evaluation and Exercise Prescription [Program] 30h 7
Coordination: PhD Rui Garganta
Practical Studies 30h 6
Coordination: PhD Jorge Mota e Mª Paula Santos
Sport Management 15h 4
Coordination: PhD José Pedro Sarmento
Sports Medicine and Health [Program] 30h 7
Coordination: Prof. Doutor José A. Duarte
Research Methods [Program] 30h 4
Coordination: PhD José C. Ribeiro and PhD Maria Paula Santos
Seminars 30h 4
Coordination: PhD Jorge Mota
Annual Parcial 285h 60
2nd Year
Studies of Review -- 10
Coordination: --
Field Work / Labor -- 17
Coordination: --
Frequency of Courses and Seminars -- 8
Coordination: --
Editor's Thesis, Preparedness and Defence of Thesis -- 17
Coordination: --
Tutorial Support -- 8
Coordination: --
Annual Parcial -- 60
Total -- 120


Essencial Information


Number of Students





Academic Calendar

September till June.


Classes´s Regime

The classes will be taught in intensive regime during the Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays the 3 rd and 4 th week of each month.


June / July (to be confirmed).

Place of achievement

The academic activities take place at the Sports Faculty
Rua Dr. Plácido Costa, 91
4200-450 Porto

Schedule of classes and evaluation (2007/2008)

File PDF [180 KB]

Abstracts of dissertations

The summaries of all dissertations defended this Masters can be found in our library.

Cover the Master's thesis

Seeking the cover of this Master's thesis?

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Conditions of preparation of a master's dissertation

Need standards for preparation of a master's dissertation?

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