EUMOVE: Let's move Europa: School-based promotion of healthy lifestyles to prevent obesity
ID: 622242-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-SPO-SCP
The EUMOVE project is focused on the development and dissemination of high quality, evidence-based resources for school-based interventions targeting both primary and secondary schools with the aim to promote healthy lifestyles for health benefits. Specifically, it focuses on the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of resources for implementing physical activities before, during and after the school day with the aim to reduce prolonged periods of sedentary time. This project is designed using the Creating Active Schools (CAS) Framework (Daly-Smith et al., 2020). This model identified seven opportunities for the implementation of PA from schools: events/visits, break/lunch (recess), physical education, curricular lessons, before/after school clubs, active commuting to school, and family/community. The current project will include all seven opportunities within the CAS Framework (Daly-Smith et al., 2020).

Overall, the EUMOVE project is a real-world setting, ecological, and sustainable proposal that engages partners with specific expertise in developing innovative evidence-based resources and learning practices in order to promote healthy lifestyle among young people in collaboration with schools, professionals, and families. Learning platform-Teaching, learning practices, and mobile phone APP will be open access, easy to implement, and adapted to the local curricula.
2PAS-4H-Promoting Physical Activity in Secondary School for Health
ID: 622733-EPP-1-2020-1-FR-SPO-SCP
In order to improve the participation in sport and physical activity (PA), and thus support the European Council's Recommendation on Health Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) and EU PA Guidelines, this project aims at examining examples of PA promotion interventions at school, identifying good practices as well as the main problems linked to the design, implementation and evaluation of such interventions in order to improve their quality and sustainability. It will also implement and evaluate a multicomponent school-based intervention in order to generate knowledge and co-create practical tools with different stakeholders of HEPA promotion. More precisely, (1) we will write a white paper geared to professionals and policy makers, and we will draft a consensus statement intended for the scientific community; (2) based on the design, implementation and evaluation of an optimised multicomponent school-based intervention to promote PA, we will produce two handbooks on the implementation of the intervention and its evaluation, accompanied by two scientific publications; (3) we will create an educational toolkit for PA promotion in schools; and (4) we will organise a conference to share this experience at the European level. Thus, this project targets both the scientific community and the different stakeholders involved in school-based PA promotion for adolescents to provide them with a clear knowledge as well as usable tools.

This project is innovative in two major ways: (1) it aims to fulfil the existing gap between theory and practice by identifying existing evidence-based practices that work and translating recent scientific knowledge into accessible information and tools that meet the needs of the stakeholders in the field; (2) it uses a co-design approach involving several internationally recognised experts, stakeholders and end-users (adolescents, parents, teachers, school administrators, and policy makers) to develop adapted and ready-to-use content and tools.
The European Network for Action on Ageing and Physical Activity (EUNAAPA) is committed
to improving the health, wellbeing and independence of older people throughout Europe by
the promotion of evidence-based physical activity.
The goal of EUNAAPA’s work package 6 is to engage policy makers, providers and
professionals as well as representatives of older people in a discourse about policy
rationales and windows of opportunity for the development/implementation of policies in the
area of physical activity promotion among older people.

In November 2007, the EUNAAPA Partners in each participating country were asked to
enlist potentially relevant policy makers with the aid of a sampling Matrix, and after that the
EUNAAPA Partners conducted a brief screening of the selected policy makers by phone
with the aid of a short screening questionnaire. The resulting data have been submitted to
the leader of work package 6 (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg) for a brief evaluation of
expert screening, selection of workshop participants, development of a workshop strategy
in cooperation with WP leader, preparation of national workshop. In February/March 2008
each participating country conducted its own national workshop.
The present document is a national report on WP6 and consists of two main parts: the
analysis of the data collected in the mini phone survey and a summary and critical
assessment of the national workshop.
O Projecto IMPALA, patrocionado pela UE, pretende identificar, implementar, e divulgar boas práticas no planeamento, financiamento, construção, e gestão de infra-estruturas locais para a actividade física de lazer.
As principais preocupações deste projecto são os equipamentos desportivos e de recreação para a actividade física de lazer (p.ex.ginásios, piscinas, campos de jogos). Terá também em conta outras áreas onde se possa praticar actividade física de lazer como áreas de recreação (p.ex. parques, praias) e parques infantis.

O IMPALA pretende auxiliar na concertação de esforços, entre os estados membros da UE, para o desenvolvimento de infra-estruturas comunitárias para a actividade física de lazer, e desta forma ajudará a reduzir inequidades no acesso a infra-estruturas de actividade física de lazer dentro e entre as nações.
Relatório Final (Versão Portuguesa)
In recent years, a large number of programmes geared at promoting physical activity for older people has been develop. However, there is a general imbalance between the development of action and programmes and their utilisation.

The EU-sponsored PASEO project intends to improve the implementation of programmes for the promotion of physical activity among sedentary older people by helping build the necessary policy capacities in 15 European nations.